M.P. Berthoud unveils its new website and innovative tools for rooftop signage in Geneva
An enriched digital experience
With this new site, the agency aims to raise awareness of the exceptional and exclusive outdoor medium of roof-top illuminated signs. The site features some of the biggest names in luxury goods, watchmaking and jewellery, finance and fashion... Agence M.P. Berthoud thus simplifies access to its services and highlights its unique expertise in managing the entire value chain... from securing available sites in this highly coveted area to installing and maintaining the sign, via the various administrative procedures required for authorizations.
The corporate video, a veritable showcase of the agency's expertise, transports visitors to the heart of Geneva's harbor, revealing how illuminated signs transform the city's night-time skyline.
In addition, the site now offers a revolutionary virtual reality application. Thanks to this interactive tool, users can simulate in real time the appearance of their sign on the different rooftops of Geneva. This innovative feature enables companies to better visualize their project and make informed decisions, in perfect harmony with their brand identity.
Expertise for illuminated signs in Geneva
Since its creation over 60 years ago, the M.P. Berthoud agency has been bringing property owners and advertisers together to help the former improve their rental yields and the latter find the best rooftop location for their signage. Whether it's the Quai Gustave-Ador on the Left Bank, with the Jardin Anglais, the Jet d'Eau and the new beach, the Quai Gustave-Ador in the Petite Rade in the immediate vicinity of the Pont du Mont-Blanc and the famous Rue du Rhône, or the banking district, the Agency has the best locations for its customers...
The new M.P. Berthoud website is a source of information and inspiration for all luxury and financial houses looking to make their logo shine on the rooftops of Geneva's harbourfront, and is fully in line with the agency's more modern and dynamic communications policy. It's the ideal tool for promoting illuminated rooftop signs as the medium of choice for reaching the local and international clientele who frequent Geneva and its quays all year round, day and night.